Natural, holistic treatment to gently balance your system and reduce

  • Painful Bladder flares
  • Urgency & frequency
  • Anxiety & fatigue

Contact me now for a free 15 minute consultation   Book Now 

Interstitial Cystitis is relentless and unpredictable. You never know when a flare will happen so you can’t plan anything and may not be able to work.  You can’t rely on your bladder to hold out for an important occasion. You may have tried medications, strict diets and supplements with varying degrees of success. You have been brave and put up with this long enough.

Homeopathy triggers the body to kick start its own healing processes from within. When the body detoxes and heals in its own way there is overall improvement in other chronic health problems such as fatigue, IBS, anxiety and depression.

My mission is to help you heal your bladder and transform your health using safe, gentle, non-toxic remedies.

Please contact me to find out more  Book Now